Paper Title :Treatment of Paresis and Paralysis With Herbal Medicines by Thai Traditional Medicine
Author :Supalak Fakkham
Article Citation :Supalak Fakkham ,
(2017 ) " Treatment of Paresis and Paralysis With Herbal Medicines by Thai Traditional Medicine " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 19-22,
Volume-5,Issue-1 (2017)
Abstract : This qualitative study aimed to investigate recipes collection, and study principle of the use of herbal medicines
for the treatment of paresis, and paralysis. Seven of Thai Traditional doctors were in-depth interviewed. The study indicated
that 13 recipes were used by them for cure it, and 99 species of herbal medicines were overall found in these recipes. It was
found that Myrobalan wood (Terminalia chebula Retz.) was the most used in these recipes. All of species of these were
divided into 6 groups of taste of herbal medicines were as follows, carminative group; it was hot and spicy taste, used for
wind element balancing, and for better digestive system working, tendon nourishment group; it was fat taste, used for
stimulate the works of tendons, body system (elements) nourishment group; it was hot taste, used for body system balance,
fever treatment group; it was bitter taste, used for reduce body heat, appetite medication group; it was bitter taste, used for
help to more foods taking, and laxative group; it was sour taste, used for defecate wastes out of body. Formulation for
paresis, and paralysis as the principle of Thai Traditional Medicine, it was required the 3 major parts as follows, herbal
medicines that acting as carminative, tendon nourishment, and body system nourishment. Besides, it was required the 3
supporting parts as follows, herbal medicines that acting as fever treatment, appetite medication, and laxative. This research
results were able to use as primary information to development of paresis, and paralysis recipes knowledge which was an
optional choice to cure paralyzed person in Thai public health system.
Keywords: Paresis, Paralysis, Herbal Medicines, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-1 (2017)
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-02-28 |