Paper Title :Web Based Taxi Management System Using RFID
Author :Gauri Kumbhojkar, Simantini Kokate, Rajeshwari Patil, Harshada Sonawane
Article Citation :Gauri Kumbhojkar ,Simantini Kokate ,Rajeshwari Patil ,Harshada Sonawane ,
(2014 ) " Web Based Taxi Management System Using RFID " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 65-67,
Abstract : Abstract - Countries where public transportation is still in development phase, taxis play an important role. The usual
method of hiring a taxi is street hailing. In such countries the taxi drivers usually rely on their luck to increase their profits
which usually includes first come first serve basis. These methods usually lead to problems like traffic congestion, long
passenger waiting time, safety issues, and low taxi utilization. With this paper, we provide a solution to these problems
which make taxi utilisation an easy process for both the drivers and the passengers. The proposed system is based on a server
which receives requests from the passengers via a website which in turn informs the taxi driver about the location of the
passenger. It will involve using smart phones which are internet enabled. The taxi driver on receiving a request from a server
sends a confirmation message to the passenger. On the website the passenger will be updated with the location of the taxis in
his/her proximity based on which he/she will book the taxi. To update the server with the location of the taxis we will be
using RFID tags and readers, where tags will be placed on each taxi and the readers will be placed at subdivided areas in the
city powered by a mini server. This mini server will be updating the main server about the location of the taxis.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-2
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Published on 2014-04-16 |