Paper Title :Design The Game for Raising Awareness to Combat Covid 19 (Combatcovid)
Author :Shamsa Salim Said Saleh Al-Barwani, Hameetha Begum
Article Citation :Shamsa Salim Said Saleh Al-Barwani ,Hameetha Begum ,
(2024 ) " Design The Game for Raising Awareness to Combat Covid 19 (Combatcovid) " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 42-44,
Abstract : Covid-19 has spread globally, infecting people from nearly every country and becoming a global pandemic. The
survival and livelihood of human societies are at risk. Countries attempt to persuade their people to become more mindful of
the situation and take precautions by modifying their lifestyles. To create awareness among the people, developed the game
application to create awareness among the people living in Oman to combat COVID-19 spread, evaluate the participants'
understanding of the Covid, and prevent the spread of this virus. A software development approach is used to develop the
game. This paper covers the game development process with the relevant implementation details.
Keywords - 3D Game, C#, GIMP. Unity 3D
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-04-05 |