Paper Title :Entropy and Loss of Information on Resonant Optimized Broadcasting
Author :J. M. Velázquez-Arcos, J. Granados-Samaniego, A. Cid, C. A. Vargas
Article Citation :J. M. Velázquez-Arcos ,J. Granados-Samaniego ,A. Cid ,C. A. Vargas ,
(2024 ) " Entropy and Loss of Information on Resonant Optimized Broadcasting " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 7-14,
Abstract : We make a brief review of several tools that we have developed to improve the quality of the information
transmitted mainly in the emission of electromagnetic waves with the focus on a lower loss of information. Later, based on the
concept of Shannon entropy of information, we take up some of these expressions and analyze them from the perspective of a
decrease in entropy using the concept of projectors and revealing a hidden symmetry in the space of probabilities. Our central
objective is to show that the technology we propose can contribute to caring for the environment with these small but
systematic savings in the generation of entropy while allowing a much greater flow of information per band.
Keywords - Shannon entropy, recording times, electromagnetic resonances, projection operators, ergodic ensembles
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-04-05 |