Paper Title :Use of Innovative Research Solutions in Testing UX and UI Interfaces of Accounting Software and Cloud Systems
Author :Jakub Bercik, Patrik Jurcisin, Adriana Ruskova, Johana Paluchova
Article Citation :Jakub Bercik ,Patrik Jurcisin ,Adriana Ruskova ,Johana Paluchova ,
(2023 ) " Use of Innovative Research Solutions in Testing UX and UI Interfaces of Accounting Software and Cloud Systems " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 194-197,
Abstract : Modern accounting systems help to simplify, streamline and automate the work of accountants, while enabling
perfect control of company finances. Digitalization offers high convenience, security, transparency and, last but not least,
makes the work of employees easier. Accounting software can use your own infrastructure or the Cloud. The use of the
Cloud implies greater flexibility and mobility in the use of the software. This method allows direct access to the entire
accounting software via the Internet, through a certified computing centre. The interface of the software itself is also
important, as it allows easy work for employees or users. It is this area that User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)
designers deal with. Their task is to design a solution that is intuitive and interesting enough, logical and at the same time
simple enough for the user/employee to be able to get to a given function/task or get the necessary information with a few
clicks. The basis for changes in UX design can now also be obtained using consumer neuroscience tools that use advanced
computer vision and datamining systems. This paper highlights new possibilities for testing UX design of digital interfaces
of accounting software and cloud systems using stationary eye tracking (Eye Tracking) and electroencephalography (EEG).
Keywords - Accounting Software, Computervision, Eyetracking, Electroencephalography, User Experiment (UX)
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-11-15 |