Paper Title :Heart Attack Prediction Using Ensemble Classifier
Author :Varsha Dabas, Priyanka, Vibha Pratap
Article Citation :Varsha Dabas ,Priyanka ,Vibha Pratap ,
(2023 ) " Heart Attack Prediction Using Ensemble Classifier " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 52-59,
Abstract : The heart attack prediction at a very early stage is crucial step which can be used to avoid its fatal effect. In this
project we have improved the accuracy of heart attack prediction using ensemble classification. We have implemented two
ensemble classification algorithm and one decision tree algorithm to show that which algorithm performs best in terms of
accuracy as well as shows least relative and absolute error. We have then compared the result of all the three algorithms used
on the dataset. The dataset has been selected from kaggle. [1], we have performed literature review to gain insight of all the
algorithms used so far for early prediction of heart rate. From which we found that ensemble classification has been used
widely to increase the accuracy of the system therefore we employed ensemble classification algorithm which increased the
accuracy of our research. The main advantage of using ensemble classification as compared to other method is that it
combines the prediction of two or more models.
Keywords - Ensemble Classifier, Data Preprocessing ,Feature Extraction etc
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-07-20 |