Paper Title :Antimicrobial Peptides: Basic facts and Prospective as an Alternative to Antibiotics
Author :Dhruba Jyoti Kalita
Article Citation :Dhruba Jyoti Kalita ,
(2023 ) " Antimicrobial Peptides: Basic facts and Prospective as an Alternative to Antibiotics " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 1-4,
Abstract : The availability of complete genome sequences and development of information technology have
provided a greater opportunity for peptide based drug designing. The field of structure based drug designing is a
rapidly growing area and the exposition of genomic, proteomic and structural information has provided new
targets and opportunities for drug lead discovery. In the meat industry, the use of antibiotics as growth
enhancers is a common practice and is reported that out of total , globally 50% of the antibiotic is used to
promote growth. Wide spread and some time indiscriminate use of antibiotics has been accompanied by the
emergence of microorganism that are resistant to these agents. Antibiotic resistance has been posing
increasingly serious concern to the public, health specialist and animal food producers. To overcome antibiotics
resistance and to retain consumer confidence in a safe food supply, health specialist and food animal producers
are searching for alternative, yet effective means of preventing and treating emerging and re-emerging diseases.
Thus, new approaches to the problem of antimicrobial resistance and development of novel classes of
antimicrobial agents with less likelihood to gain resistance are needed. Antimicrobial peptide also known as host
defense peptides are prevalent throughout the nature as a part of the intrinsic defenses of most organisms and
have been proposed as a blueprint for the design of novel antimicrobial agents.
Keywords - Antimicrobial Peptides, Antibiotic resistance, Novel antimicrobial agents, host Defense Peptides
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-07-20 |