Paper Title :Nutrient Mist Reactor: A Remarkable New Approach To Grow Hairy Roots In Reactor
Author :Manish Vashishtha, Nidhi Sharma
Article Citation :Manish Vashishtha ,Nidhi Sharma ,
(2015 ) " Nutrient Mist Reactor: A Remarkable New Approach To Grow Hairy Roots In Reactor " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 8-11,
Volume-3, Issue-1
Abstract : Hairy roots are genetically transformed roots and highly recommended sources for various secondary metabolites
products. Artimisinin is one of them and frequently utilized as pharmaceutical drug for malaria impairment. Hairy roots are
fragile tissue and very much sensitive in regarding to culture inside the bioreactor. Designing of bioreactor and optimising
the acquired physical and chemical parameter is the promising approach in industry. To date a large number of various
bioreactor has been designed i.e Trickle bed, Bubble column, Air lift, Fluidized and Nutrient mist reactor (NMR) for the
biomass cultivation of hairy roots. All reactor has their significant characteristics to stimulate high growth rate of biomass
and scaling up the metabolite production but apart from these, the main remarkable feature is adequate nutrient supply to
growing biomass which is highly observed in nutrient mist reactor in which nutrient supply is facilitated in the form of small
droplets (0.5-3µm) known as mist. Since mist reactor has been well studied and accepted as a suitable reactor for hairy root
Keywords: Transformed Root, Artimisinin, Bioreactor, Hairy Root, Nutrient Mist Reactor (NMR)
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-01-07 |