Paper Title :Review of Operation and Performance of Marine Vertical Axis Propellers
Author :Mohamed Shouman, M. A. Kotb, A. A. Banawan, Yasser M. Ahmed
Article Citation :Mohamed Shouman ,M. A. Kotb ,A. A. Banawan ,Yasser M. Ahmed ,
(2018 ) " Review of Operation and Performance of Marine Vertical Axis Propellers " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 23-27,
Volume-6, Issue-1
Abstract : Vertical axis propellers are normally fitted to ships that require high degree of maneuverability such as tugs and
supply boats. They are also advantageous in case of sailing in narrow channels and shallow waters. Nevertheless, the
hydrodynamic performance of this type of propellers is relatively low compared to other types of propellers, such as the
screw type. In this paper, the merits of the vertical axis propeller are reviewed and its performance investigated and
compared to that of the screw propeller. Moreover, some techniques are used to enhance the performance, such as the vortex
lattice theory, the momentum theory and CFD."
A review on the different methods used to design and/or assess the performance of this type of propellers varying from
simple to sophisticated approaches.
Keywords - Vertical axis propellers, CFD, hydrodynamic performance.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-1
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Published on 2019-05-21 |