Paper Title :Negative Effecting of Sewage Water on Environment and Techniques of Treatment
Author :Ibraheem M. Aliyas Naser, Ayham T. Al-Rawi, Mohammad A. Al-Dabbagh
Article Citation :Ibraheem M. Aliyas Naser ,Ayham T. Al-Rawi ,Mohammad A. Al-Dabbagh ,
(2018 ) " Negative Effecting of Sewage Water on Environment and Techniques of Treatment " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 39-43,
Volume-6, Issue-4, Spl. Iss-2
Abstract : Pollution in water resources is any change in the properties of water; physical, chemical and biological. This due
to the throwing the pollutants; solid, liquid and gaseous substances into the sources of water that causes damage to the
economy & health and safety of the population. The main sources of water pollution are; Domestic wastewater forms 80 %
& industrial waste water 8 % & agricultural waste water 10 % and others 2 %.
The insufficiently treated of polluted water causes into the water the pollution and change the properties of water, these
changes are expressed in particular in the appearance of unpleasant odors, flavors, color change also the changes in the
chemical composition of water such as;. acidic number (PH), Biological Oxygen Demand , Chemical Oxygen Demand ,
turbidity, Sulphates, Phosphates, Nitrates, Nitrite, Chloride. Due to for technological development, it is possible minimizing
the harmful impact of human activities on water resources, the key must be treatment of polluted for water. In this paper,
we offer some apparatus that provides the process of polluted water treatment techniques such as; Suspension centrifuge,
Horizontal centrifuge with pulsating piston, Centrifuge with inertial discharge of sediment, Drum vacuum filter, Disc
Vacuum Filter, Carousel and suction filter, Belt filter, Centrifugal filter. For achievement of sustainable water development.
Keywords - Sewage Water, Environmemt, Pollution, Treatment Techniques.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4, Spl. Iss-2
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Published on 2019-03-18 |