Paper Title :Bike Tracker and Accident Informer
Author :Darshan Lad, Majit Kureshi, Diksha Kothari, Sweta Mishra, Sakshi Kolhe, Biswajeet Champaty
Article Citation :Darshan Lad ,Majit Kureshi ,Diksha Kothari ,Sweta Mishra ,Sakshi Kolhe ,Biswajeet Champaty ,
(2018 ) " Bike Tracker and Accident Informer " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 178-181,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : In today’s life due to increase in number of accidents security is the most important feature for everyone. This
device is present for any two-wheeler automobile vehicle which sends the location of the accident place via SMS, the sensor
gets tilt and it activates the system and sends the message to the registered mobile number, police station, ambulance, with
GPS location. If in case a minor accident occurs and the person is in safe condition the system could be stopped by switching
it off. An effective system is designed that deals with these kind of situations with the help of sensors, (GPS)global
positioning system (GSM)global system of the mobile and embedded system technology.
Keywords - Accident Notifier, Bike Tracker, Accident Detector, Accident Moment Recorder, Bike Detector, GSM.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Published on 2019-02-02 |