Paper Title :XY Plotter
Author :Siddharth Tripathi, Beauty Sharma, Dev Joshi
Article Citation :Siddharth Tripathi ,Beauty Sharma ,Dev Joshi ,
(2018 ) " XY Plotter " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 166-171,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : The robotic X-Y plotter is robot which offers a fastest way to powerfully produce very large drawings. This
Robotic X-Y Plotter which is basically centred to the vector graphic device, wherein the robot designs or sketches the input
given from the computer on the drawing board or a sheet of paper using Arduino UNO microcontroller on a open-source
physical computing platform Arduino IDE software. The board is fed with polargraph server arduino based program which
is required for the accurate diagram, and thus with the aid of processing software (version 1.0.5) in which polargraph
libraries are uploaded, the robot starts sketching. The X-Y robotic plotter, as the name suggests has a two axis control (i.e. X
and Y axis), and a distinctive mechanism to lift up and lift down the pen. Each axis is drove using a single servo motor. Pen
control is achieved using a servo, and the flexibility of the this motor which is suspended and attached through GT2 pulley
belt, is controlled by the two stepper motor fixed at the corner of the board or sheet of paper. This arrangement allows the
robot to perform tasks at a good pace and with increased accuracy.
Keywords - Arduino UNO, Polargraph, Stepper Motor, Servo Motor, Plotter, GT2 Pulley Belt.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-01-31 |