Paper Title :Smart Shopping Cart with user Following using IR Proximity Sensors and Arduino UNO R3
Author :Tanay Mitkari, Biswajeet Champaty
Article Citation :Tanay Mitkari ,Biswajeet Champaty ,
(2018 ) " Smart Shopping Cart with user Following using IR Proximity Sensors and Arduino UNO R3 " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 96-97,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : This research anatomy is about the prototype of the Smart Shopping Cart used in Shopping Malls having IR
Sensors co-ordinating with Arduino UNO R3. This Cart is designed to reduce the human effort which is required by user to
drag the conventional shopping cart having motors installed in it. It uses 12V Li-Po electric supply to drive the Circuit. As
soon as the IR Sensors detects the user the cart starts following the respected user. The user is detected within the range of
150mm to 1500mm depending on the area. There is an intentional use of IR Proximity Sensors as they consume less power,
have limited range and are cheaply available. It consist of two IR Proximity Sensors to drive the Cart, left and right. As the
user move in either direction the sensors detects the user and continues to follow it.
Keywords - Arduino UNO R3, IR Proximity Sensors, Smart Shopping Cart .
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Published on 2019-01-31 |