Paper Title :Baggage Tracker in Airports
Author :G Santosh, Pranav Venugopal, Snehashish S, Sakshi Shiram, Nayan Shelke, Biswajeet Champaty
Article Citation :G Santosh ,Pranav Venugopal ,Snehashish S ,Sakshi Shiram ,Nayan Shelke ,Biswajeet Champaty ,
(2018 ) " Baggage Tracker in Airports " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 30-32,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : This current study discusses the design and implementation of a novice baggage tracker particularly for the passengers commuting through air. It can be robust enough to eradicate the mishandling of checked-in baggage and provide the swift way to locate them too. Moreover, it can cut-down the extra cost on the passengers by abolishing the insurance price charged against baggage handling. RFID based systems are advantageous over the conventional line-of-sight technologies like barcode. The features like non-line of sight detection, cost-effectiveness, ease of availability and least human intervention make the RFID based systems a sustainable method of implementation in designing tracking systems in areas of highly importance like airport. The system is capable of tracking the checked-in baggage and keeps its owner informed about its current status continuously. The GSM module in conjunction with the Arduino UNO forms the central control unit of the system. The GSM module facilitates the text message service to the user. The system deliberately designed to enhance the satisfaction of the frequent flyers.
Keywords - Area RFID Tags, Readers, Baggage Tracking
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Published on 2019-01-31 |