Paper Title :Automated Medicine Reminder
Author :Ram Chokda, Janhavi Dhore, Himangachoudhury, Sheldon Remedios, Quintin Fernandes, Biswajeet Champaty
Article Citation :Ram Chokda ,Janhavi Dhore ,Himangachoudhury ,Sheldon Remedios ,Quintin Fernandes ,Biswajeet Champaty ,
(2018 ) " Automated Medicine Reminder " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 6-9,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : The Automated Medicine Reminder is a system design for controlled dispensing and storing of medications more
accurately by utilising a dedicated programmable system. The system dispenses doses of medication in controlled manner at
respective time for a particular patient. This system helps to prevent the chances of human error of skipping their doses for
any given unattainable conditions. At hospitals it’s a tedious job for the caretakers to cater the medication timetable of every
patient throughout the day so this system helps the patient to be self-reliant for their medication services irrespective of their
literacy skills cause the system once monitored with the prescribed schedule by nurse will not need any further assistance.
Keywords - Arduino Mega Model, RTC,12 V 60 rpm DC Motors, Motor Driver, Buzzer Alarm, Gears and Pinion.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-01-31 |