Paper Title :Development of a Numerical Model for Cotton Textile Waste Pyrolysis
Author :Nimesha Parami Rathnayake, Samadhi Silva, Udari Perera, Shaluka Lakmal, Mahinsasa Narayana
Article Citation :Nimesha Parami Rathnayake ,Samadhi Silva ,Udari Perera ,Shaluka Lakmal ,Mahinsasa Narayana ,
(2018 ) " Development of a Numerical Model for Cotton Textile Waste Pyrolysis " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 60-63,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : This paper focuses on developing a numerical model for pyrolysis of 100% cotton textile waste, which can be
varied with temperature to find an optimum temperature in which the highest yield of combustible gases is produced.
In developing the mathematical model in the present study, pyrolysis reaction was represented in one step global reaction. The
stoichiometric coefficients are determined by experimental data obtained from proximate analysis of cotton textile waste. The
cotton thread is assumed to be cylindrical in shape and the diameter of the thread is obtained through experiments.
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations were used to solve the numerical model and obtain yield percentages at
different temperatures. A Packed bed pyrolysis reactor in a nitrogen environment is considered in developing the numerical
model. Heating rate and nitrogen flow rate are considered to be maintained at constant values to obtain the optimum
temperature in slow pyrolysis to maximize the yield of combustible gases.
Index Terms - Numerical Model, Mathematical Model, Optimum Temperature, Pyrolysis, Textile Cotton Waste.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Published on 2018-12-26 |