Paper Title :System To Detect And Transmit The Heart Rate Of An Accident Victim For Medical Assistance
Author :Sanjanasampath, Vethiga.B, Saranya.T, S. Shobha Christila
Article Citation :Sanjanasampath ,Vethiga.B ,Saranya.T ,S. Shobha Christila ,
(2014 ) " System To Detect And Transmit The Heart Rate Of An Accident Victim For Medical Assistance " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 57-60,
Abstract : The advent of new technologies have made the traffic hazards more frequent out of which accidents are more
common leading to loss of lives due to poor emergency facilities. In order to provide immediate medical assistance we have
proposed a system where, in case of any car accident the location of the accident will be sent to the police control room and
the medical rescue team along with the heart rate of the victim, through a GSM module using Atmega micro controller.
Switch provision is also placed where the person can send message if he had recovered after accident and also during
emergency conditions. The heart rate sensor is placed in the steering arm of the car and the controller can be programmed
such that the heart rate is also transmitted when the accident is detected. Thus this system provides immediate medical
assistance to the victims of car accidents saving time and lives
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-10-06 |