Paper Title :Study on the Irradiated Rice Manaw Thukha (Mashuri-M) for the Salinity Tolerance at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages
Author :Aye Aye Aung, Aye Aye Khai, Myat Minn
Article Citation :Aye Aye Aung ,Aye Aye Khai ,Myat Minn ,
(2018 ) " Study on the Irradiated Rice Manaw Thukha (Mashuri-M) for the Salinity Tolerance at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 44-50,
Volume-6, Issue-3, Spl. Iss-1
Abstract : Nowadays, the whole world is facing climate changes such as flood, salinity and drought. Crops cultivated in
central Myanmar are also badly affected by such climate changes. This fact necessitates to develop crop varieties that can
tolerate environmental changes. In this study, Manawthukha var. irradiated by Gamma irradiation, which can tolerate
salinity, is chosen. Screening under field conditions is difficult due to stress heterogeneity, presence of other soil-related
stresses, and the significant influence of environmental factors such as temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation.
Saline soils are usually under waterlogged condition; other crops could not grow in these areas except rice. Dry seeds of
Manawthukha were exposed to gamma radiation ranging from 0Gy to 400Gy to determine their responses to radiation and
the effective doses for mutation breeding. The M1 seeds of this variety were sown in the field along with the control (nonirradiated
seeds) and then, they were harvested. The main panicles from M1 were sown in the laboratory screening for M2
generation. In M3 generation, it was observed that plant height, panicle length and 1000 grains weight of some selected
mutant lines were higher than that of the control plants. Reducing yield per hill affected by the late flowering can be seen in
MK-C mutant lines. The experiment of hydroponic screening with the dose of 400 Gy was tolerant than other gray at
seedling stage in M2 generation. However, filled grains per panicle and yield per hill of M1 were generally decreased with
the increasing doses of gamma ray. In M4 generation, it was observed that MK-A, MK-A1, MK-B1, MK-C1, MK-D2, MKF,
MK-F2, and MK-F4 mutant lines and control seeds became sterile under saline condition though the heading was
Keywords - Manawthukha, Gamma Irradiation, Mutation, Salinity Tolerance, Vegetative stage, Reproductive srtage.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-3, Spl. Iss-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-29 |