Paper Title :Isolation of Agrobacterium from Infected Leaves
Author :Sandhya Sahu, Arpita Mukherjee
Article Citation :Sandhya Sahu ,Arpita Mukherjee ,
(2018 ) " Isolation of Agrobacterium from Infected Leaves " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 104-106,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : Most leaves of dicot, some monocot and some gymnosperm plants are infected by crown gall disease. Crown gall
disease are caused by Agrobacterium tumifaciens is characterized by tumor like growth on the surface of leaves and stems.
Agrobacterium tumifacience causes opportunistic infection in human beings.In the present work Agrobacterium was
isolated from infected (tumor) leaves. The bacteria was identified as gram negative bacteria and identified as Agrobacterium
species by using the morphological appearance. Biochemical analysis was performed and antibiotic resistance test was
performed using two antibiotics tetracycline and kanamycin.
Keywords - Agrobacterium tumifacience, Crown Gall, Opportunistic Infection, Tumor, Pathogenicity, Morphological
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Published on 2018-10-17 |