Paper Title :Activity of Nicotine against the Bacterial Growth
Author :Divyansha Mishra, Sandhya, Sahu, Arpita Mukherjee, Akanksha Rai
Article Citation :Divyansha Mishra ,Sandhya ,Sahu ,Arpita Mukherjee ,Akanksha Rai ,
(2018 ) " Activity of Nicotine against the Bacterial Growth " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 100-101,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : Tobacco comes under the solenaceae family. It contains alkaloid nicotine.Leaves were be used for preparing
tobacco. Tobacco is the genus of herbs Nicotiana.The addictive nature of tobacco is due to the compound nicotine.It is
mainly found indigenously to North and South America, Australia, South Africa and the North pacific.Tobacco contains as
much higher concentration of nicotine than the others.Taking tobacco in our society is very common since decades. The
higher concentration of tobacco may be inhibiting the growth of bacterial cells. Tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) is a chemical
mutagen (Benzopyerene is found in tobacco) that change the sequence of bases in a DNA and add hydrocarbon groups to
various nucleotide that causing improper base pairing during DNA replication that effects growth of bacteria. Increasing the
concentration of tobacco (nicotine) will inhibit the bacterial growth.Hence the data further confirms that the nicotine is
responsible for the inhibition of bacterial growth.
Keywords - Nicotine, Benzopyerene, Hydrocarbons, Nucleotide, Compounds, Chemical Mutagen.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-17 |