Paper Title :Development of SSR Markers for Luffa cylindrica through In silico Mining
Author :Ruchi Tyagi, Vinay Sharma, Manjusha Verma, Lalit Arya
Article Citation :Ruchi Tyagi ,Vinay Sharma ,Manjusha Verma ,Lalit Arya ,
(2018 ) " Development of SSR Markers for Luffa cylindrica through In silico Mining " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 32-39,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : The database derived SSR proved more economical than other methods of development of SSR loci as SSRs
were computationally obtained for the generation of primers. The use of this methodology for marker development appears a
promising alternative. In the present study, 389 sequences of Luffa were downloaded from NCBI. The SSR identification
and primer designing were done using WebSat software. 110 contained SSR motifs (28.3%) but most sequences were
redundant containing similar motifs. Mononucleotide repeat was the most frequent repeats present in Luffa. Amongst dinucleotide
repeat motifs, CT/TC was more abundant as compared to TA/GA type. All the repeats were perfect repeats. Out
of 389 sequences, 46 primers (11.82%) designed. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive description of
developing SSRs using in silico technique for Luffa cylindrica. All the SSR markers developed were analyzed for clustering,
gene diversity and genetic structure study in Luffa cylindrica.
Keywords - Luffa cylindrica, In silico mining, SSRs, Websat, Diversity
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-16 |