Paper Title :Phytotoxicity Assessment of Vigna Radiata at Increasing Level of Mercuric Chloride and its Morphological Study
Author :Aman Rathore, Niharika Tiwari, Simran Jain, Akanksha Jain
Article Citation :Aman Rathore ,Niharika Tiwari ,Simran Jain ,Akanksha Jain ,
(2018 ) " Phytotoxicity Assessment of Vigna Radiata at Increasing Level of Mercuric Chloride and its Morphological Study " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 23-26,
Volume-6, Issue-4
Abstract : The heavy metal mercury is a non-essential hazardous element present in soil, water and other bodies which
enters up the food chain by various sources. It is necessary to assess the ecological risk of mercury to establish proper
regulatory guideline levels. Most of the toxicological effects of mercury has been on aquatic organisms and plants biota.
Hence in this study critically discusses the toxicity of mercuric chloride to Vigna radiata growth index. Vigna radiata seeds
were grown in hydroponics condition with increasing concentration of mercuric chloride. Thereafter, calculate the LC50,
Relative root length, shoot length, Germination percent and GI index of Vigna radiata. Microscopic examination of root,
shoot and leaf was also performed and compare with control group. Destruction of cells cleary visualize in transverse section
of plant material which is in stress of heavy metal. Present study conclude that mercury toxicity is dangerous in all biological
system therefore, remediation or phytoremediation of heavy metal toxicity is very crucial for cleaning the environment as
well as healthy life.
Keywords - Mercuric chloride, Phytotoxicity, Vigna radiata, phytoremediation.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-16 |