Paper Title :Micro Encapsulation of Piper Betlel. and Boesenbergia Pandurata Essential Oils using Inclusion Complexation and their Antimicrobial Activity
Author :Bussaba Poosri, Racha Tepsorn, Chuenjit Chancharoonpong, Suriyan Supapvanich
Article Citation :Bussaba Poosri ,Racha Tepsorn ,Chuenjit Chancharoonpong ,Suriyan Supapvanich ,
(2018 ) " Micro Encapsulation of Piper Betlel. and Boesenbergia Pandurata Essential Oils using Inclusion Complexation and their Antimicrobial Activity " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 37-42,
Volume-6, Issue-2, Spl. Iss-1
Abstract : Boesenbergia pandurata essential oil(BEO)and Piper betleL. essential oil(PEO)were encapsulated in -CD by
co-precipitation method. The results indicated that the initial essential oil content and type of EO had an effect on the
physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties. The PEO microparticles were more effective than the BEO microparticles.
The best ratios of the BEO and PEO/-CD inclusion complex was a 50:50 with 98.88 (%EE), 99.51 (%EC), 63.20 (%yield)
anda 25:75 with72.80(%EC), 35.36 (%EC), 64.93 (%yield) respectively.The morphology analysis and the encapsulation analysis of
themicroparticles were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. All images revealed irregular shape and strong tendency
of agglomeration. The BEO microparticlesand PEO microparticles showed inhibitory and bactericidal effects on six tested
bacteria. The PEO/-CDinclusion complex showed the lowest concentration of MIC (0.15%w/v) on B. cereusATCC 11778,
S.TyphimuriumATCC 13311and Y.enterocoliticaDMST 17911. While the BEO/-CDinclusion complex displayed the lowest
concentration of MIC(0.3%w/v) on E. coli 6795 and S.TyphimuriumATCC 13311. This finding suggested that BEO
andPEOinclusion complexes could be applied tonatural food preservative in food industries.
Index Terms - Inclusion complexation, Boesenbergia pandurata essential oil, Piper betleL.essential oil, Microorganism
-cyclodextrin, Antimicrobial activity
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-2, Spl. Iss-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-07-24 |