Paper Title :Grain Size Distribution and Mineral Composition of Surficial Quaternary Sediments of Wadi Arar, Saudi Arabia
Author :Mohammed A. M. Alghamdi
Article Citation :Mohammed A. M. Alghamdi ,
(2018 ) " Grain Size Distribution and Mineral Composition of Surficial Quaternary Sediments of Wadi Arar, Saudi Arabia " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 40-43,
Volume-6, Issue-1
Abstract : Abstract - Grain size distribution is relevant to mineralogy effect. X-ray diffraction technique combined with available data of
grain size distribution using statistical analysis to categorize the quaternary sediments of Wadi Arar. Several novel features are
observed, including that quartz, dolomite, and calcite are the three major minerals in the study area. In the point view of the
correlation between mineralogy and grain size distribution, quartz reflects an opposite relation with both calcite and dolomite,
a positive relation with gravel, coarse sand and medium sand and a negative relation with fine sand and silt and clay. Gravel,
coarse sand and medium sand reflect an opposite relation with fine sand and silt and clay. The study area can be categorizing to
two facies, the first one includes a medium sand or smaller grain size of dolomite and calcite which cover locations A, B, D, E,
and G, while the other facies include coarse sand or larger grain size of quartz which cover location C and F.
Index Terms - Grain size distribution, XRD, Minerals.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-1
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Published on 2018-04-02 |