Paper Title :Effects of Different Doses of Ozone Exposure on Monoterpene Emission from Bauhinia Variagata and Pongamia Pinnata
Author :Rashmi Singh, M.P. Singh, Abhai P Singh, Usha Mina
Article Citation :Rashmi Singh ,M.P. Singh ,Abhai P Singh ,Usha Mina ,
(2017 ) " Effects of Different Doses of Ozone Exposure on Monoterpene Emission from Bauhinia Variagata and Pongamia Pinnata " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 62-64,
Volume-5, Issue-4, Spl. Iss-1
Abstract : Effects of different doses of ozone exposure on VOC emission from Bauhinia variagata and Pongamia pinnata
was examined in this study. Plants were treated with three different doses of ozone exposure viz. low (2100 g/m3),
moderate (4200 g/m3) and high (8400 g/m3), Increase in monoterpene emission rates were observed both in Pongamia
pinnata and Bauhinia varieagata plants at low, moderate and high doses of ozone exposure within 2 hours and 1 day after
suspension of ozone exposure. Significant reduction in monoterpene emission rates observed in both plant species, in
measurements made 7 days after suspension of ozone exposure. Both plant species responded to ozone exposure in different
Keywords - Monoterpene; ozone; plant species; air quality.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5, Issue-4, Spl. Iss-1
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Published on 2018-01-24 |