Paper Title
Evaluation of Anti-Convulsant Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Sauropus Androgynus Leaves

The anticonvulsant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of sauropus androgynus leaves was evaluated in the validated experimental animal models. Anticonvulsant activity of 70% ethanolic extract was investigated against PTZ and Picrotoxin induced convulsions in mice. Two doses: 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg b.w p.o of the extract were subjected for the evaluation of Anticonvulsant potential against PTZ (80mg/kg) and Picrotoxin (3.5mg/kg) in mice and Diazepam (4 mg/kg, i.p), used as standard. The parameters such as onset of convulsion, duration of convulsion and mortality were studied. It was observed that Both SA-200 and SA-400 showed dose dependent significant reduction in mortality rate and increased recovery in the rats treated with the extract, when compared with the vehicle control. Both extract showed decrease in the duration of convulsion and increased time for the onset of convulsion. Maximum protection was observed at 400mg/kg. The present study concluded that hydroalcoholic extract of Sauropus androgynus has significant anticonvusant potential. Keywords- PTZ; Picrotoxin; Diazepam; convulsion; Sauropus androgynus.