Paper Title
Association Of AGT (M268t) Gene Polymorphism In Diabetes And Nephropathy In Pakistan
Diabetes mellitus is considered as a group of metabolic disorders which have multiple etiologies. Pathogenesis of
nephropathy in diabetes is presented by variations in genes encoding the significant components of renin angiotensin
aldosterone system (RAAS) including angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin receptor, angiotensinogen (AGT)
genes. The present study was conducted to explore the possible association of AG (M268T) polymorphism in diabetic
patients with nephropathy in Pakistan. Study subjects included 100 controls, 260 diabetic patients without renal insufficiency
and 190 diabetic nephropathy patients with persistent albuminuria. Fasting blood samples were collected from all the
subjects after getting institutional ethical approval and informed consent. The biochemical estimations, PCR amplification
and direct sequencing for the specific region of AGT gene was carried out. A significantly high frequency of genotype (TT)
and allele (T) of AGT (M268T) was observed in diabetic nephropathy as compared to normal control subjects and diabetic
patients without any known renal impairment. The genotype (TT) and allele (T) of AGT (M268T) polymorphism may be
measured as a risk factor for the expansion and progression of renal impairment in diabetes. Further cross sectional
population studies would be of help to establish and confirm the observed possible association of AGT gene variations with
development of nephropathy in diabetes.
Keywords- RAAS, AGT (M268T), Diabetes, Nephropathy.