Paper Title
Impact Of Gibberlin And Density On Wheat For Managing Of Environmental Pollution
Gibberellins (GAs) control a wide range of physiological functions in plants from germination to flowering. The
present investigation was carried out by conducting field experiments on wheat during winter seasons of 2013 at Farm in
Bam City for managing of Environmental pollution. Experiments were laid in split plot design at Block Random with three
replications. Gibberlic acid as a B factor include: 0 200 400 ppm and three levels of plant density as a A factor include: 200,
400 and500 plant per meters to wheat crop. The influence of these treatments on growth and yield of wheat was studied in
detail. In this experiment, the traits including grain yield, biological weight, thousand grain weight, plant height and flag leaf
area, were measured. The result of this study indicated that the effect of density and hormone was only significantly on the
plant height and the density has positive effect on the spikelet length and the area of flag leaf so that the highest spikelet
length was observed in the density of 500 plants per m2. The density hadn’t meaningful effect on the other traits and effect of
gibberlic acid on the height was meaningful and the maximum height was related to using gibberlic acid ppm400 rate. But
the effect of gibberlic acid on the other traits wasn’t meaningful.
Key words- Environment, wheat, gibberlic acid, Plant density, yield.