Paper Title
Gendered-Spaces and Well-being: Experiences of Kashmiri Women
Through their gendered-space experiences, women in Kashmir negotiate and at the same time question physical and social restrictions they experience in day to day lives. This paper tries to understand the borders created with respect to physical and social spaces rooted in gendering/gender socialization. The narratives from the women point how social and cultural discursive processes via layers of social structures from family through institutions to broader socio-cultural contexts produce unequal and unjust gendered spaces. Narratives from women on their access to physical and social spaces revealed the relationship between access to spaces and wellbeing among women. While negotiating on day-to-day basis, it was seen how limited access to spaces limit women‟s expression and agency which consequently leads to diminished wellbeing. Besides negotiation, they claim their equal right to different discursive physical and social spaces. Moreover, women aspire to make commendable changes and are in the process of reclaiming their due access to gendered-spaces. Keywords - Gender, Spaces, Wellbeing, Women, Negotiation, Socialization