Paper Title
Regulations and Deregulations Affecting the Business Profitability in Georgia during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Abstract - It is well known that the government exercises its powers by means of various mechanisms, while state decisions in different fields are being reflected by a certain legal document that regulates or deregulates particular issues. According to various theories, regulations might be divided into political, economic and social regulations. Each of them are meant to be a set of principles in a specific area. However, along with new or amended regulations, there are state decisions that temporarily suspends or cancels the effective regulation, in other words it deregulates a certain area. This article aims at analyzing those state decisions taken in the recent period, which might have significantly impacted the business sector, its profitability and stability in terms of COVID-19 pandemic. The work is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, within the framework of the sub-program for the promotion of higher education - participation in scientific events, with the grant agreement N04-05/171, June 1, 2022. Keywords - Business Regulation, Deregulation, Government Regulations, Economic, COVID-19.