Paper Title
Clinical Indications of Triphala Tablets - A Scientific and Experiential View
Herbal and herbomineral formulations are widely used in common general pra tice by Ayurveda physicians . These
formulations are cost effective , safe and affordable also to the patients . Triphala tablet is one such preparation which is
having least side effects rather have side benefits . It can be given for prolonged period also. However in large doses it may
produce diarrhoeain some patients . Triphala tablet is indicated in chronic constipation , hemorrhoids , fissure in ano, fistula
in ano, gudadaha , ascitis , partial intestinal obstruction , flatulance,kukshishoola , intestinal colics, general anasarca ,
padashotha, ( Bilateral pedal edema ), shwasa, kasa, cirrhosis of the liver, pleural effusion , hyperacidity syndrome , and
carcinoma of different types. Triphala acts as laxative , rasayana , ulcer healing , anticancer , ropana, vrinashodhana,
mukhapakahara, and vayasthapana actions.
The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Triphala tablets in a scientific and experiential view .
Keywords - Triphala , Rasayana , Ayurveda