Paper Title
Agriculture Vulnerability under Climate Change (Case Study: SHKODRA Region)

Farms in Albania, in general, are characterized by smallholding farms with poor farming systems which involve a low-level of technology and very high production costs. Adding to that, smallholders now have to cope with the impacts of climate change. Based on many scientific studies, climatic conditions are causing both negative and positive impacts in agriculture. The purpose of this paper was to raise awareness on agriculture vulnerability in Albania by identifying farms conditions and climate conditions as well as climate impacts in agriculture by focusing in a case study which was Shkodra region. For this study we conducted a survey by interviewing 185 smallholders in 14 municipalities and assured some discussion with experts, about the evidences of climate change impacts in Albanian agriculture. Shkodra have been historically affected by consequences of extreme weather events which have been intensified also as a result of the compulsory discharges of hydropower plants in the region during winter season. A big concern for smallholders was the absence of water in agriculture due to a lack access of water resources as well as lack of irrigation systems. Statistical descriptive methods are used in analyzing the data collected from the survey. The techniques that we have been using are mainly tabular and graphical presentations. The participatory approach is based on the perceptions and assessment of the farmers of the selected areas and the opinions from the experts. Key words - Climate change, smallholders, vulnerability.