Paper Title
Structural Unemployment – A Crucial Problem for Graduates
The results of the specialists ((McMillan, Rodrik and Sepúlveda, 2017; Byiers et al., 2015) show that in different
phases of economic cycles, in imperfect markets, the skills and competences of those who want a job are not in line with
those required by vacancies. This conclusion is also valid for Romania. In Romania, there is no scientific prospecting at the
national level of labor market developments. Universities are interested in offering their services in a very large amount, but
do not have institutional mechanisms to track the matching between supply and demand and trajectory of graduates in the
labor market. Universities do not know what graduates do after finishing their studies. There are no national statistics on the
specialization areas of graduates who have a job. There are no elaborated studies on the migration of young people in
general, especially those with higher education, in particular. Also, there is no official information on the unemployment
among graduates in the specializations/fields of the graduates. Research, limited in many ways, converges towards the need
for coherence and professionalism in designing the future of education.
Keywords - The Labor Market, Higher Education Graduates, Structural Unemployment