Paper Title
State of Art RF Energy Harvesting using Rectenna for Upcoming Smart Cities in India
Because of the movement and prominence of remote specialized gadgets, further live of overflowing Radio
repetition vitality from circumambient sources (advanced TV broadcasting portable administrations, and various fully
completely different remote frameworks) area unit detached in our condition. Scattered EM waves are also changed over into
electrical vitality. Keeping in mind the tip goal to assemble higher live of shut vitality from circumambient, fully completely
different rectenna configuration approaches area unit used. Among them, Microstrip antenna is extensively used as results of
low profile, reduced structure and simple to create. Ancient antenna having fully completely different states of fix outline
accessible for specific applications anyway Microstrip antenna fix reception instrumentality having confinement betterknown
with receiving wire live and band repetition coordinating . This paper initiate with a dialog of assorted plans continue
with some extent of configurability and consonant disposal of double band, multiband, cpw structures and band
arrangements. At long last, smaller scale strip fix rectennas area unit contrasted and fully completely different techniques.
Keywords - Rectenna, Wireless Power Transmission, Wireless Energy Harvesting, Rectenna Conversion Efficiency,
Microstrip Patch Antenna,, Co Planer Waveguide, Rectifying Circuit, RF Signal and Wideband Rectennas.