Paper Title
An Additive Effect of Deep Transverse Friction Massage Technique in Lateral Epicondylitis
Objective: A study to determine the additive effect of deep transverse friction massage in patients with lateral epicondylitis.
Design: Experimental study. Methods: In a 3-week intervention study, 30 patients with lateral epicondylitis were studied.
Patients were divided in two Groups: Group A (n = 15) received ultrasound & exercises programme; Group B (n= 15)
received deep transverse friction massage along with ultrasound & exercises. Both groups were submitted to 3 consecutive
weeks of treatment consisting of five times weekly, sessions performed once in a day. A Visual analog scale (VAS), PRTEE
score & grip strength values collected were administered at pretest and posttest. Dependent‘t’ test was used for the
comparison between the pre and posttest values within the Group A and Group B. independent ‘t’ test was used for
comparison between the pretest&posttest values of the two groups. Results: The results showed a significant decline in the
pain intensity (p<0.05), a significant improvement in function (p<0.05), and a significant improvement in the hand grip
strength (p<0.05) in the post treatment stage in comparison to the pre treatment stage in both the groups. Conclusion: The
inclusion of deep transverse friction massage along with ultrasound and exercises produced a statistically significant decline
in the pain intensity and improvement in function, grip strength when compared to ultrasound and exercises alone, in patients
with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow.
Keywords - Lateral Epicondylitis, Ultrasound, Deep Transverse Friction Massage, Exercises, VAS, Grip Strength