Paper Title
Antioxidant Ability Contributes to the Chemotherapeutic Resistance in Lung Cancer Cell Under Hypoxia
Tumor cells situated rapidly changed microenvironment, including oxygen loss. Oxygen loss, which is also called
hypoxia, is reported to raise the chemotherapeutic resistance in breast cancers through upregulating the antioxidant ability
resulted from the activation of the major antioxidant regulator, Nrf2, and the following phase II enzymes, GCLC, GCLM, and
NQO1. However, whether Nrf2 and phase II enzymes are the hinge for hypoxia-induced drug resistance in lung cancer still
remain unknown and need further investigations. This study aims to explore the cellular responses under hypoxia and search
for the therapeutic targets for hypoxia-induced drug resistance in lung cancer. With the in vitro cell culture model, the
activation of Nrf2 and phase II enzymes under hypoxia was confirmed. The inhibition of phase II enzymes can efficiently
increase the sensitivity to the commonly used chemotherapeutic drug, cisplatin (CDDP). These results provided more
combined therapeutic options for chemotherapy in lung cancers.
Key words- Phase II antioxidant enzyme, Chemotherapeutic resistance, lung cancer, hypoxia, cisplatin Contract grant
sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology (104-2320-B-002 -062 -MY3)