Paper Title
Prevalence of NAC’s in Periodontitis Patients
The oral cavity is home to a multitude of microbes colonizing a varied habitat, viz., the tooth, tonsils, tongue,
hard and soft palates, buccal cavity, lips and associated gingival tissue. Candida species have evolved as the most important
opportunistic pathogens in immuno-compromised hosts and may play important role in life threatening infections2.
Candidaalbicans is the species most often associated with oral lesions, but other Candida spp., including C. glabrata,
C.tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and C. dubliniensis have also been isolated in the saliva of subjects with and without
oral candidiasis.A sterilized swab was dipped in the tube having deposits and streaked onto the surface of chrome Candida
agar plates. The inoculated plates were subjected to incubation inside Incubator for 48 hours.After 24 hours the candida
species were identified on basis of coloured colony produced on the Chrom Candida agar plates.Candida was detected by
culture in 53 propositas (88.33%) of the 60 clinical CRC samples and in 17 (28.33%) of the 60 healthy control samples. Of
the 60 clinical CRC samples that were culture positive, C. albicans was evident in 44 (73.33%). Other yeasts detected by
culture, either in combination with C. albicans or alone, were C. glabrata in 26 (43.33%), C. krusei in 35 (58.33%), Candida
tropicalis in 17 (28.33%). More than one Candida species was detected in 17 of the 60 samples positive by culture. C.
albicans was the only species detected by culture in the 17 positive healthy control CRC samples.It is evident that there is
enormous escalation in the increasing incidence of human diseases being produced by Candida species; we checked the
performance of this medium with the all isolates of candida found in the patient.
Keywords - Candida, Non Albicans Candida, Periodontitis