Paper Title
Probiotic Chocolate: Our Lab Experience
Now a day probiotic is very popular among scientists and pharmaceutical companies. Due to the consumption of
medicines and specifically antibiotics the normal microflora is destroyed. This destruction creates stomach upset as well as
intake of probiotic substitutes in the form of medicine which are not a tastier option. Chocolate is mostly a choice able food
product for all age group. The addition of lactobacillus to these chocolates thus creates a tastier option for transferring these
bacteria to the stomach for the betterment of the microbial environment of the gut. Thus lactobacillus spp. mainly focused
will be introduced to the existing chocolates for the creation of probiotic one. Lactobacillus spp. isolated from curd was
identified to be a potent lactic acid producer. It was a gram positive, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped, non-spore forming
bacteria. This will definitely help in increasing resistance against intestinal pathogen and in the prevention of disease.
Keywords - Probiotic, chocolate, Lactobacillus spp., Lactic Acid Producer