Paper Title
Antifungal Activity of Blumea lacera
Herbal medicines are in great demand in the developed as well as in developing countries for primary health care
because of their wide biological and medicinal activities, higher safety margin and lower costs. The use of plants in
treatment of burns, dermatophytes and infectious diseases is common in traditional medicine. The development of new
antimicrobial agents against resistant pathogens is increasing interest. The present study describes the antifungal activity of
Blumea lacera against microrgnism. Blumea lacera L., Compositae, is one of the common rabi weeds of India. It is an annual
herb, with a strong odor of turpentine The antimicrobial activity of Blumea lacera was assessed against Aspergillus flavus,
Aspergillus niger, Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. Different solvents like methanol, acetone, and water were
used for the preparation of plant extracts in various concentrations. The antifungal activities of all these extracts were
determined by paper disc method. Nearly all the extracts were found effective against these fungi. The positive results so
obtained were compared with that of the reference standard fungicide (Carbendazim). It was found that most of the extracts
were more effective against fungi than the control fungicide.