Paper Title
A Review on Pharmacological Contents of Eichhornia Crassipes
Eichhornia crassipes also known as Water Hyacinth is world’s most problematic aquatic weeds which belongs to
Family Pontederiaceae. it is a weed that found in the tropical and subtropical part of the world. Often people think that water
gets spoiled from this plant but in reality it is a natural resource which contains lots of content that may help to fight against
many diseases. It can be utilized as animal feed, craft items (bags, accessories), biofertilizers, biofuel , biogas production and
many more.
This review paper discusses the Pharmacological activity of Eichhornia crassipes. Eichhornia crassipes shows many
Pharmacological activity such as Antimicrobial Activity, Antioxidant Activity, Wound Healing Activity, Antitumor Activity
and many more.
Keywords - Eichhornia crassipes, Water Hyacinth, Pharmacological