Paper Title
In Vitro Effect of Statins on the Actin Cytoskeleton and Cell Cycle of Pankreatic Cancer Cells

Statins represent a major class of compounds for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia due to their ability to inhibit de novo cholesterol synthesis, namely mevalonate pathway. In recent years, the functions of statins unrelated to mevalonate pathway are becoming interesting subject of research mainly because of their so called pleiotropic effects, that include the possible anti-oxidative effects, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulary functions, modulation of cell proliferation and endothelial function or even canceroprotective effect. Thanks to the potentional canceroprotective effects of statins their application as chemoadjuvants has been proposed. For this application the exact molecular mechanisms of statins' actions should be elucidated. Our study is focused on the effect of the all commertially available statins on cell morphology, cytoskeleton and cell cycle of pancreatic cancer cells. Keywords - Statins, pancreatic cancer, cell cycle.