Paper Title :Fabric and Micro-morphological Characteristics Study of different Rainfall Intensities Impact on Soil
Author :Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh, Zahra Dibaei, Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri, Ahmad Jahangiriq
Article Citation :Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh ,Zahra Dibaei ,Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri ,Ahmad Jahangiriq ,
(2017 ) " Fabric and Micro-morphological Characteristics Study of different Rainfall Intensities Impact on Soil " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 23-27,
Volume-5, Issue-2
Abstract : Rain can break down soil aggregates and lead to formation of structural crusts, which effect on seed germination
and soil water infiltration. In this research work, the impact of different rain intensities on micromorphological
characteristics was studied. Experiments for simulating rainfall-runoff were carried out in different rain intensities (20, 37
and 47 mm/hour) on five soil samples with different physical and chemical properties and after the exit of gravitational
water, the undisturbed soil samples were prepared by Kubina boxes. Then the soil samples thin sections were provided and
studied with polarized microscope. Micromorphological characteristics of upper and lower parts of the crust were studied
under different rain intensities with Image Tool3. Results indicated the main changes in upper and lower parts of crusts by
different rainfall intensities and down ward movement of particles caused clay accumulation in 1.5 to3cm of crusts. Also
intensity of 47 mm/hours produced a strong suspension and a Hallo pedofuture formation around the sand particles and Tuff.
The classification of each slide, in two upper and lower parts with 0-1.5cm and1.5-3cm thicknesses, implied the existence of
structural and void shape changes in soil fabric. Quantitative comparison and classification of three Voids Ferret Diameter
data (30micron, 30-100 micron and >100 micron) with image tool analysis (UTHSCSA Image tool soft-ware and Image
J(1.34s) and statistical analysis of data variance with five replication in Factorial Split- Split plot design variance analysis of
databy MSTAT-C software indicated that there were significant differences at 5% level between the effect of soil type,
rainfall intensity and Ferret diameter data in upper and lower part of crusts.
Keywords: Crust, Image analysis, Micromorphological characteristics, Rain intensity.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5, Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-06-30 |