Paper Title :Comparison of Batch and Column Methods in Zincsorption in a Sandysoil
Author :Adel Reyhanitabar, Habib Ramezanzadeh, Shahin Oustan, Mohammadreza Neyshabouri
Article Citation :Adel Reyhanitabar ,Habib Ramezanzadeh ,Shahin Oustan ,Mohammadreza Neyshabouri ,
(2017 ) " Comparison of Batch and Column Methods in Zincsorption in a Sandysoil " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 19-22,
Volume-5, Issue-2
Abstract : Occurrences of high concentration of heavy metals in soils and associated problems have received a great
attention in recent years because of their reactivity, toxicity and mobility. Laboratory simulations of heavy metal reactions
commonly studies by batch and column methods. Batch method is rapid and cheap and experiment conditions are
controllable. Column method is expensive and time consuming but it closely matches the field conditions. The aim of this
studywas to correlate batch and column methods data for zinc (Zn)sorption in a sandy soil. Results showed close correlation
(r2= 0.88) betweenKd and soil: solution ratio (SSR) values in batch method. In column method the flow rate was not found to
influence distribution coefficient,Kd and β(Freundlichmodel coefficient, =
) in a well-defined manner but increasing
inlet concentration tended to decrease Kd and increase β.Furthermore, for estimation Kd and β values in column method from
batch method data, SSR should be more than 1:2.5 (e. g. 1:1).
Keywords - Batch, Column method, Heavy metal, Distribution coefficient, Freundlich, Sorption
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5, Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-06-30 |