Paper Title :Video Analysis of Motion in The Hopping Tests of Players Basketball College
Author :J.A. Mocha-Bonilla, Edwin Santamaria-Freire, Jimenez L.A, Hector F. Gomez
Article Citation :J.A. Mocha-Bonilla ,Edwin Santamaria-Freire ,Jimenez L.A ,Hector F. Gomez ,
(2017 ) " Video Analysis of Motion in The Hopping Tests of Players Basketball College " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 33-38,
Volume-5, Issue-2
Abstract : Currently in the analysis of sports, new methods are invented in order to improve or make more effective the
physical-technical training of athletes. Equipment more accurate and sophisticated for measurement is built as scientific
advances occur every moment and technology is reaching every area of Sciences and Sport is not outside this context.
Nowadays, there is the video motion analysis in Basketball. Based on this statement, there is an application called
"Kinovea”, which help us coaches and athletes, to give our best in sports physical training. This application allows us to see
in a better way each of the phases or sequences of individual techniques, in this case the hopping tests of college basketball
players. The movements when players are hopping are very fast and impossible to visualize at a glance with the human eye,
in such virtue, we need the help of the program to analyze carefully and at any time sports movements. The study provides
information on the analysis of the hopping tests before and after physical exertion anaerobic character, measured with the
use of Software "Kinovea (program video motion analysis) in which 10 college athletes took part; an analysis of contrast t-
Students-samples based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine whether there is an increase in hopping tests athletes
were executed. The aim of this research is analyzed by the software Kinovea vertical hopping tests after the completion of a
physical effort anaerobic character in basketball athletes.
Keywords- analysis, movement, hopping tests, effort, technique.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5, Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-06-28 |