Paper Title :The Scattering Pattern Study Of Zinc Oxide Nanorod On Silica Glass Substrate For Protein Immobilization Platform
Author :Thanit Apiwattanadej, Pornpimol Sritongkham, Waleed S. Mohammed
Article Citation :Thanit Apiwattanadej ,Pornpimol Sritongkham ,Waleed S. Mohammed ,
(2015 ) " The Scattering Pattern Study Of Zinc Oxide Nanorod On Silica Glass Substrate For Protein Immobilization Platform " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 80-83,
Volume-3, Issue-3
Abstract : In this work, the light scatterings from Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods on silica glass substrate for protein
immobilization are reported. ZnO nanorods were grown using hydrothermal process. The effects of the growth time and the
effects of Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) concentration on the scattering pattern of ZnO nanorods were experimentally
measured using a nephelometer. According to the results, the growth time increased the length of nanorod and reduced the
number of nanorod per unit area. The optimum results for 12 hours growth was 6.35 nW (9.76 %RSD) for the scattering
power and the scattering peak angle was 54.22 degree (0.03 %RSD). DMSA solution was used to functionalize carboxylic
group on the ZnO surface. Hence, in the presence of 0.1 mM DMSA, the maximum scattering power of ZnO nanorods was
reduced up to 1.5%. These outcomes were resulted from the dissolving of ZnO nanorod in acidic solution. ZnO nanorods on
silica glass substrates demonstrated a potential to be conjugated with other proteins, which could be applied for biosensor
Index Terms- Light scattering, Optical biosensors, Hydrothermal process, Zinc oxide nanorod
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-3
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Published on 2015-07-08 |