Paper Title :The Assessment of the Clubfoot Children’s Orthotic Need for the Development of the Foot Abduction Orthosis (Fao) Prototype Design
Author :Mohamed Mohd Najib Abdullah Sani, Muhammad Jameel Kamil, Baharinazahari, Abdul Razak Sulaiman
Article Citation :Mohamed Mohd Najib Abdullah Sani ,Muhammad Jameel Kamil ,Baharinazahari ,Abdul Razak Sulaiman ,
(2019 ) " The Assessment of the Clubfoot Children’s Orthotic Need for the Development of the Foot Abduction Orthosis (Fao) Prototype Design " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 20-24,
Abstract : Foot abduction is an immanent component of treatment within the Ponseti method. It is a treatment procedure where
the clubfoot patient adheres to the post-corrective bracing protocol to prevent relapse of the deformity that has turned the foot
downward and elevated inwards. In order to encourage the patients’ compliance to the foot abduction orthosis (FAO), various
designs have been introduced in the market in the hope of improving the rate of compliance. The purpose of this paper is to
elucidate the assessment of the clubfoot patients’ FAO need at the orthopaedic clinic of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in
Kelantan, Malaysia. The assessment aims to understand the clubfoot patients’ lower limb movements, in order to generate
ideas for the prototype design development to improve the FAO design based on the existing product in the market. The FAO
that was referred for further design improvements are the Denis Browne splint and the Markel shoes. In addition, a total of 10
clubfoot patients’ parents were interviewed to obtain user experience data. This study suggests the need to eliminate the foot
plates and the bulky protruding shoe and brace locks that are heavy due to the material use. Consequently, a conceptual design
of the FAO was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development of the working prototype to optimise the
patients’ dynamic movement.
Keywords- Clubfoot, Conceptual Design, FAO Design, Prototype Development.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-04-22 |