Paper Title :Utilizing Sf-36 and Sf-6d for Identification of Public Health Disaster Risk at Solid Waste Disposal Sites of Lahore, Pakistan
Author :Humza Bin Masood, Hamid Saeed, Seemal Jelani, Sara Ali
Article Citation :Humza Bin Masood ,Hamid Saeed ,Seemal Jelani ,Sara Ali ,
(2018 ) " Utilizing Sf-36 and Sf-6d for Identification of Public Health Disaster Risk at Solid Waste Disposal Sites of Lahore, Pakistan " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 20-27,
Volume-6, Issue-3, Spl. Iss-1
Abstract : Solid Waste Management is one of the biggest challenges for both developed and developing countries.
Negligence and unplanned disposal of municipal solid waste probably will lead to the community health risk. To address this
problem, a descriptive cross-sectional analysis was performed using SF-36 and SF-6D on focused residents and waste
collection workers. These softwares have been used earlier for the study physical and mental health. This in present study
have been used to evaluate the neuropsychological effect like behavior, attitude, temperament and working potential of the
residents near disposal sites. The study also included the chemical assessment of Lead and Chromium in drinking water, soil
and different profiles. The results exposed unexpected health issues, especially neuropsychological problems at open
disposal sites, followed by closed disposal sites due to the Lead concentration. The emergence of illness associated with
dumping is slow and unnoticeable, therefore results of health issues emphasizes the need to address these problems before
leading to neuropsychological effects. The study also showed positive results regarding soil degradation which can be
associated with improper, unplanned and myopic vision used on many disposal sites. There is a risk that the civil
construction like Saggian bridge close to disposal site may collapse in upcoming time due to the process of decomposition of
solid waste, which may lead to a serious life-threatening disaster, thus showing the failure of achieving Sustainable
Development Goals.
Keywords- SF-36, SF-6D, Quality of Life, Financial Costing, Public Health
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-3, Spl. Iss-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-30 |