Paper Title :Pillared Based Clays as Catalysts for Wastewater Treatment
Author :M. Lawal, I. A. Ndanusa, I. Mu Azu
Article Citation :M. Lawal ,I. A. Ndanusa ,I. Mu Azu ,
(2018 ) " Pillared Based Clays as Catalysts for Wastewater Treatment " ,
International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) ,
pp. 63-68,
Volume-6, Issue-1
Abstract : Abstract - Clays have been used extensively for a number of applications, ranging from traditional to professional. Because
they are environmentally friendly, clay minerals have received considerable attention in recenttimes due to their low-cost,
high selectivity, reusability and operational simplicity. Porosity and stability of these clay materials could be improved by a
process known as pillaring, which leads to materials known as pillared interlayered clays (PILCs). Pillared clays results to
enhanced pore volume, surface area, thermal and mechanical stability and improved catalytic activity when compared to the
original clays. These enhancement makes them suitable for use as adsorbents and catalysts. Available literature recently has
shown the great potential and viability of pillared clays as catalysts in a number of processes such as catalytic reactions and
in waste water treatments.This review, therefore, focus on the use of pillared clays as catalysts for the treatment of
wastewater containing different types of contaminants such as chlorophenols bearing effluents which are among the most
hazardous pollutants in industrial wastewater and contaminated groundwater, being highly resistance to biodegradation.
Their conversion into environmentally harmless species is a current need.
Keywords - Pillared Clays; Wastewater, Effluents; Chlorophenols, Biodegradation.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-03-31 |