Paper Title
Discussion On Delegation Of Decision Rights To Occupational Motivation And Empowerment Process Of Personnel Of Quchan Mosa-Ebn-Jafar Hospital
During current years, many organizations introduce promotion of occupational satisfaction, personnel empowerment and
their participation in decision as necessity of success. Thus, they try to promote occupational satisfaction of personnel in
order to stimulate and organizational commitment and in turn increase competition power to other organizations. Since
delegation of decision rights depend many factors like cultural and traditional ones, we try to research delegation of decision
rights as for occupational stimulation and empowerment process and their participation on decision and effective cultural
and traditional factors to take positive actions by using information derived the research in order to restore management
method and promote efficiency of nurses of QuchanMosa-ebne-Jafar Hospital.
Method for Implementation
The present study as descriptive-correlative has been performed between nurses of Mosa-ebne-Jafar hospital at 2015. In
order to collect data, population information questionnaire as well Rounteri checklist of delegation of decision rights has
been used. SPSS 17was used for analysing data and ONE WAY ANOVA statistical and Spearman tests have been used in
order to determine correlation. Findings: statistical findings show direct and meaningful relation between delegation of
decision rights and occupational satisfaction, (p=0/001, r=0/311), also, there is significant relation between occupational
motivation to empowerment process of personnel and their participation on decision (r=0/628, p=0.000). And there is
significant relation between delegation of decision rights to culture and traditionalism of nurses of QuchanMosa –ebne-Jafar
Hospital (r=0/718, p=0/000)
Since the findings show direct and significant relation between delegation of decision rights and occupational satisfaction, it
is necessary that the managers consider about delegation of decision rights and increase personal satisfaction and
occupational satisfaction of personnel and ultimately increase their efficiency more.
Keywords- Delegation Of Decision Rights, Occupational Stimulation, Nurses, Discussion