Paper Title
Effectiveness Of Combination Treatment In Women With Anaemia And Hypothyroidism

Anaemia in pregnancy is a common pathology. According to Aylamazyanet al (2000), approximately, 15 – 20 % of pregnant women suffer from the anaemia in the developed countries while the percentage of anaemic pregnant women could be up to 80% in the underdeveloped countries [1]. The role of thyroid hormone during pregnancy is extremely high. Thyroid hormones affect the protein synthesis and cell growth; stimulate the synthesis of RNA in the nucleus, activating tissue respiration. The absence of high levels of total thyroxine and thyroxine – binding globulin is a good precursor of unintentional abortion. The purpose and objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the combination of vitamins of group "B" in the treatment of pregnant women with anaemia and hypothyroidism. The study found that the medical outcome in the subjects who took a combination treatment using Ginotardiferon (for iron deficient anaemia treatment), Iodomarin 200 (for hypothyroidism treatment) and “B” group vitamins was significantly better than the medical outcome for the subjects in the group that only used Ginotardiferon andIodomarin 200. Keywords- Anaemia In Pregnancy, Hypothyroidism In Pregnancy, B-Vitamins.